Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:29

SP Extra Slider - Responsive Prestashop Module

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Written by  Sarah
SP Extra Slider - Responsive Prestashop Module - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

SP Extra Slider is a simple and flexible module, allowing you to showcase your products in categories with product images, descriptions and more as well as allowing users to access the detail product page to purchase these items.

Along with 7 layout styles and variety of professional effects for displaying product on frontpage, attracting more visitors has become easier than ever. Moreover, with clean and modern layout shapes, displayed product have chance to show their best features with high-quality images, title, brief description or prices for websites selling products and other types of webpage.

Furthermore, friendly user interface in Admin panel is totally easy for you to control every parameter we provide. Based on your configuration in this important area, your website will perform as exactly as you want.

Let's take a SP Extra Slider tour and you'll love it!

# Main Features
1. Support Prestashop
2. Fully compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
3. Support Responsive layout
4. Allow to set the number of columns for devices that have different screen width.
5. Support to open link in Same Window, New Window and Popup Window
6. Support Multi-Module in the same page
7. Allow to show or hide Control buttons
8. Allow to select number rows of item
9. Allow to display button page at Top/Under
10. Allow to choose Category and control Category Depth
11. Set Product Field to Order By: Name/ID/Date Add/Price/Sale
12. Allows to select the number of days for which product is considered "New"
13. Support to control showing number of products
14. Allow to change max length of title/description of products
15. Allow to show/hide price, add to cart, add to wishlist, add to compare, detail link, "New" and "Sale" icons
16. Allow to set autoplay, swipe for touch slider
17. Support many effects for slider
18. Support to add content at the top of module and the end of module

SP Extra Slider - Responsive Prestashop Module

Product Details

  • Theme Price:

Support ways

  • Current Version: 1.0.0
  • Userguide: Userguide
  • Forum: Forum
  • Magento Version: Magento

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