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Tuesday, 27 May 2014 15:03

SM Twitter Slider - Free Responsive Magento Module

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Written by  Keira
SM Twitter Slider - Free Responsive Magento Module - 3.0 out of 5 based on 4 votes

Let's welcome a new and free Magento module which is called SM Twitter Slider, powered by useful features that support for highlighting any Twitter profile of users and latest Magento version.

Without paying any fee for this module, we bring to you an easy-to-use extension that shows your Twitter profile including avatar, account name, link to real profile, posting-time and the latest posts with support of two main effects are Slide and Fade, you can decide on what you prefer. All you need to do now is to download and install Twitter Slider quickly then let it do the rest for you.

The Admin Panel is very clear, easy to understand and set params based on your idea. You can decide to use auto-play mode or click into direction button to see referring items with available settings in this important area. Moreover, with the help of caching, the site can possibly run faster. 

Let's check SM Twitter Slider Demo right now to see its best performance.

# Main Features
1. Support to display Avatar, Follow button and Direction button
2. Support Responsive layout
3. Support to choose Autoplay, Pause on Hover, Slide or Fade and Swipe effect
4. Support to decide the number of items showing on frontpage
5. Fully compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
6. Support caching to make your website load faster
7. Support pre- and post- text with each instance


VERSION 2.0.1 - Released on 21-Jun-2016

+ Updated cache to get data according to current store

+ Fixed issue with di:compile on Linux server

VERSION 2.0.0 - Released on 18-March-2016

+ Updated to be compatible with Magento 2.x

+ Updated functions as following: 

  • Screen Name 
  • Twitter's ID 
  • Count number of display items 
  • Display Avatar 
  • Display Follow Button 
  • Display Direction Button 
  • Display Pagination 
  • SlideBy Item - Auto Play 
  • Auto Interval Timeout  
  • Pause on Hover 
  • Effect Options 
  • Mouse Wheel

VERSION 1.0.2 - Released on 17-September-2015

+ Added Use Cache function 

VERSION 1.0.1 - Released on 04-December-2014

+ Added 2 params: Access Token and Access Token Secret

VERSION 1.0.0 - Released on 27-May-2014

- Support for Magento 1.7.x, 1.8.x and 1.9.x

- Support responsive layout


SM Twitter Slider - Free Responsive Magento Module

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Last modified on Friday, 18 September 2020 09:50
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