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Tuesday, 14 April 2015 11:30

SP Responsive Listing - Responsive Prestashop Module

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Written by  Sarah
SP Responsive Listing - Responsive Prestashop Module - 5.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

With unlimited loader for showing products, SP Responsive Listing is our responsive module enabling a cool and fresh experience for e-commerce Websites. This module is built for showing all your products in categories with cool effects navigation. Module supports displaying multiple categories according to tabs, the viewer can easily to sort products or change the viewing right on front-end with 2 layouts (grid/list view). Specially, you can show more products in a category with "Load more" button.

SP Responsive Listing is built responsive layout for any devices. Besides, in admin panel you can set how many columns displayed for different devices. Coming with range of other options in the backend, this module would be a great solution for front-end showcase of products with title, description, price, or read more...

Let's view our Live Preview to feel more!

# Main Features
1. Support Prestashop
2. Fully compatible with IE9+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
3. Support Responsive layout
4. Allow to set the number of columns for devices that have different screen width.
5. Support to open link in Same Window, New Window and Popup Window
6. Support Multi-Module in the same page
7. Allow to choose which category sources to be shown
8. Support sort form, with order products by many criteria right on front-end
9. Allow to display layout switch or not
10. Allow to set number of products to be shown in the module
11. Support sort product order by: Product Name, ID, Best Sales, Sell, Product Price, Date Added
12. Allow to quickly switch between 2 layouts: grid and listing
13. Allow to change width, height and styles... of images
14. Allow to show or hide product’s fields like title, description, review...
15. Allow to show price, add to cart, add to wishlist, add to compare
16. Allow to select the number of days to display the product "New" icon on the product image
17. Allow to show categories as tabs along with theirs products
18. Support to add content at the top of module and the end of module

SP Responsive Listing - Responsive Prestashop Module

Product Details

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Support ways

  • Current Version: 1.0.0
  • Userguide: Userguide
  • Forum: Forum
  • Magento Version: Magento

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