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Club Magento 2

How to Disable Two-Factor Authentication in Magento 2.4

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Written by  Hoant
Thursday, 22 October 2020 10:34

Hello guys,

Now that we have a Magento version 2.4 installed and we can access the store-front and backend, we are going to login to Magento backend. This will ask for user and password, no big deal — but after we login successfully, we don’t see the dashboard this time, we will see a new Magento screen now:

If you have a mail server configured

If you have a mail server configured, you will receive an email from your newly installed Magento 2.4 a link to configure your authenticator first. The first time you get an option to select between Google or Authy or any other enabled provider, for ease of use, just choose Google Authenticator. You will get a QR code image generated by Magento admin on the same screen just scan the QR through Google Authenticator app (iOS |Android ) and voila! you are good to go.

No mail server? No problem!

You can login to Admin Panel by way disable Two-Factor Authentication:

  • Please open file app/etc/config.php  and find 'Magento_TwoFactorAuth' => 1 replace to 'Magento_TwoFactorAuth' => 0

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    Or you can run this command in terminal Magento root path:
    bin/magento module:disable Magento_TwoFactorAuth

  • Run commands:
    php bin/magento setup:upgrade
    php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
  • Now you will be able to login to Magento Admin without setting up Two-Factor authentication.

    In other ways, you can view this video to see in details How to Disable 2-Factor Authentication in Magento 2.4

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