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When you create a multi-language website in Magento 2, first of all, we suggest searching for language packages provided by other developers. Basically they offer both backend and frontend with hundreds of phrases in different languages. As usual, the language pack provides translated versions for all translatable strings in the code in one CSV-file.

How to Enable Admin Account Sharing in Magento 2

Written by Hoant
Read 1057 times
How to Enable Admin Account Sharing in Magento 2 - 2.0 out of 5 based on 1 vote

The Magento 2 shop administrator is responsible for managing the operation of the store. He manages all orders, deliveries and payments. A feature-rich platform, the Magento 2 admin panel enables the store administrator to more effectively manage the store.Magento 2 does not by default permit many administrators to log in simultaneously. To enable admin account sharing in magento 2, use the method described below.Multiple admin users can split the burden more effectively for better shop administration. This approach is useful because the admin account sharing is disabled by default.

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